PA2 Boa, Due Wednesday 10/16/2019 (Open Collaboration)

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In this assignment you’ll implement a small language called Boa, which implementes a Bitwise Offset Arrangement of different values. It also uses C function calls to implement some user-facing operations, like reading an input and reporting errors.

The Boa Language

As usual, there are a few pieces that go into defining a language for us to compile.

  • A description of the concrete syntax – the text the programmer writes

  • A description of the abstract syntax – how to express what the programmer wrote in a data structure our compiler uses.

  • The semantics—or description of the behavior—of the abstract syntax, so our compiler knows what the code it generates should do.

Concrete Syntax

The concrete syntax of Boa is:

<expr> :=
  | (let (<bindings>) <expr>)
  | (if <expr> <expr> <expr>)
  | <identifier>
  | <number>
  | true
  | false
  | (add1 <expr>)
  | (sub1 <expr>)
  | (isNum <expr>)
  | (isBool <expr>)
  | (+ <expr> <expr>)
  | (- <expr> <expr>)
  | (* <expr> <expr>)
  | (< <expr> <expr>)
  | (> <expr> <expr>)
  | (== <expr> <expr>)

<bindings> :=
  | (<identifier> <expr>)
  | (<identifier> <expr>) <bindings>

Abstract Syntax

The abstract syntax of Boa is an OCaml datatype, and corresponds nearly one-to-one with the concrete syntax.

type prim1 =
  | Add1
  | Sub1
  | IsNum
  | IsBool

type prim2 =
  | Plus
  | Minus
  | Times
  | Less
  | Greater
  | Equal

type expr =
  | ELet of (string * expr) list * expr
  | EIf of expr * expr * expr
  | EId of string
  | ENumber of int
  | EBool of bool
  | EPrim1 of prim1 * expr
  | EPrim2 of prim2 * expr * expr


There are four main changes that ripple through the implementation:

  • The representation of values
  • Optional command-line input
  • The addition of if/else conditionals
  • Checking for errors

Representation of Values

The representation of values requires a definition. We’ll use the following representations for the Boa runtime:

  • true will be represented as the constant 0x0000000000000002
  • false will be represented as the constant 0x0000000000000000
  • numbers will be represented with a 1 in the rightmost bit, with the actual two’s complement value shifted to the left by one (as in class). So, for example, 2 is represented as 0x0000000000000005, -5 is represented as 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7. The representable values are -(262) to 262-1, which correspond to the 63-bit signed 2s-complement integers.

If integers exceed the range of representable values, two types of errors must be handled:

  • Unable to parse non-representable integer literal error

    For example, the following Boa program


    should throw Non-representable number 9999999999999999999999999999 before compilation.

  • Runtime overflow error

    For example, the following Boa program

      (+ 4611686018427387903 10)

    should throw overflow at runtime.

Handling Input

You will implement a pre-defined variable input, which should evaluate to a user-provided inputted value, which can be an integer number, true, or false. You need to parse the input value in main.c and check for two parsing errors:

  1. input must be a boolean or a number
  2. input is not a representable number

Keep in mind that the exact error strings should be printed to standard error. You can use a call like fprintf(stderr, "msg", ...).

If an argument isn’t provided to the executable, the default value of input should be false. After the input value is parsed, it will be passed to our_code_starts_here as a function argument. In x86-64, this means it’s passed in the register RDI. To make input variable accessible to Boa, we treat it as a variable, which means it needs to take up some space on the stack. We’ve shown one way for you to do this in, by moving it into the first available location on the stack, adding input to the initial environment, and using a higher initial stack index.

Note that the input value is provided as a command-line argument to the generated executable.

For example, ./output/ 4 makes it so input evaluates to 4.

For example, ./output/ 46abc prints error input must be a boolean or a number in stderr.

For example, ./output/ 9999999999999999 prints error input is not a representable number in stderr.

Checking for Errors

The check function

Production compilers typically separate checking from code generation rather than interleaving them (as we did in Anaconda). To support this, Boa’s implementation comes with a function, check, whose purpose is to check your program before compilation. check should to return a list of strings containing an exact series of error messages. We will be testing against this function so be sure to match the expected output.

The errors you will need to check here are:

  • Unbound Identifier ie. EId not in the scope of an ELet

    Error string = “Variable identifier {id name} unbound”

  • Multiple bindings in the same let binding list: ELet([("x", ENumber(2)); ("y", ENumber(5)); ("x", ENumber(5))], EId(x))

    Error string = “Multiple bindings for variable identifier {id name}”

Note that once an error is found, it should be added to the return string list and check should still continue to find any other errors.

Error handling with assembly

We will be also asking you to handling errors during the runtime of the program. The errors you will need to check here are:

  • -, +, *, <, and > should raise an error (by printing it out) with the substring "expected a number" if the operands don’t evaluate to numbers (you can print more than this if you like, but it must be a substring)
  • add1 and sub1 should raise an error with the substring "expected a number" if the argument doesn’t evaluate to a number
  • if should raise an error with the substring "expected a boolean" if the conditional does not evaluate to a boolean.
  • +, -, and * should raise an error with the substring "overflow" if the result overflows, and falls outside the range representable in 63 bits. The jo instruction (not to be confused with the Joe Instructor) which jumps if the last instruction overflowed, is helpful here.

These error messages should be printed on standard error, so use a call like:

fprintf(stderr, "Error: expected a number")

in the case of

(if 54 true false)

# prints (on standard error) something like:

Error: expected a boolean in if, got 54

I recommend raising an error by adding some fixed code to the end of your generated code that calls into error functions you implement in main.c. For example, you might insert code like:

  mov rdi, rax
  push 0
  call error_non_number

Which will store the value in rax in rdi (the register for the first argument), move rsp appropriately (see the Oct 10 lecture for some discussion of stack alignment), and perform a jump into error_non_number function, which you will write in main.c as a function of one argument. If you look closely you may notice that we aren’t updating RSP for our local vars, but we still call another function. This overwrites our program’s stack space but isn’t observable by our programs, since we exit after printing errors. Future PAs will fix this hack.

Implementing Boa

New Assembly Constructs

Conditional Constructs

  • ILabel of string — Create a location in the code that can be jumped to with jmp, jne, and other jump commands

    Example: this_is_a_label:

  • ICmp of arg * arg — Compares the two arguments for equality. Set the condition code in the machine to track if the arguments were equal, or if the left was greater than or less than the right. This information is used by jne and other conditional jump commands.

    Example: cmp [rsp-4], 0

    Example: cmp rax, [rsp-8]

  • IJne of string — If the condition code says that the last comparison (cmp) was given equal arguments, do nothing. If it says that the last comparison was not equal, immediately start executing instructions from the given string label (by changing the program counter).

    Example: jne this_is_a_label

  • IJe of string — Like IJne but with the jump/no jump cases reversed

  • IJmp of string — Unconditionally start executing instructions from the given label (by changing the program counter)

    Example: jmp always_go_here

  • Ijl of string - Jump if the last comparison said the first value was less than the second. Otherwise do nothing.

  • Ijg of string - Jump if the last comparison said the first value was greater than the second. Otherwise do nothing.

  • IJo of string - Jump if the last operation set the overflow condition code, otherwise do nothing.

  • IJno of string - As above, but only jump when the condition code is not set.

Combining cmp and Jumps for If

When compiling an if expression, we need to execute exactly one of the branches (and not accidentally evaluate both!). A typical structure for doing this is to have two labels: one for the else case and one for the end of the if expression. So the compiled shape may look like:

  cmp rax, 0    ; check if rax is equal to 0
  je else_branch
  ; commands for then branch go here
  jmp end_of_if
  ; commands for else branch go here

Note that if we did not put jmp end_of_if after the commands for the then branch, control would continue and evaluate the else branch as well. So we need to make sure we skip over the else branch by unconditionally jumping to end_of_if.

Creating New Names on the Fly

When creating labels, we can’t simply use the same identifier names and label names over and over. The assembler will get confused if we have nested if expressions, because it won’t know which end_of_if to jmp to, for example. So we need some way of generating new names that we know won’t conflict.

You’ve been provided with a function gen_temp (meaning “generate temporary”) that takes a string and appends the value of a counter to it, which increases on each call. You can use gen_temp to create fresh names for labels and variables, and be guaranteed the names won’t overlap as long as you use base strings don’t have numbers at the end.

For example, when compiling an if expression, you might call gen_temp twice, once for the else_branch label, and once for the end_of_if label. This would produce output more like:

  cmp rax, 0    ; check if rax is equal to 0
  je else_branch1
  ; commands for then branch go here
  jmp end_of_if2
  ; commands for else branch go here

And if there were a nested if expression, it might have labels like else_branch3 and end_of_if4.

Other Constructs

  • Sized

    You may run into errors that report that the size of an operation is ambiguous. This could happen if you write, for example:

      cmp [rbp-8], 0

    Because the assembler doesn’t know if the program should move an eight-byte zero, a one-byte zero, or something in between into memory starting at [rbp-8]. To solve this, you can supply a size:

      cmp [rbp-8], DWORD 0

    This tells the assembler to use the “double word” size for 0, which corresponds to 64 bits (there are other sizes; for now we’ll typically work in 64-bit-sized chunks). To get a sized argument, you can use the Sized constructor from arg.

  • Const64

    Just like Boa, OCaml uses 63-bit integers with a tag bit for its default int type. This means that OCaml can’t represent 64-bit constants like our representation of -1 or 2^62-1 when they are encoded. OCaml does support 64-bit integers, though, with its int64 type (just like C has different-sized numbers). Const64 takes one of these so that you can represent the big constants we need in an instruction

    In Boa, the main place you’ll likely need this is in ENumber, and other than that you won’t need to construct such large numbers in OCaml.

    An example that compares Int64 to regular int is:

      # Int64.mul (Int64.of_int 4611686018427387903) (Int64.of_int 2);;
      - : int64 = 9223372036854775806L
      # 4611686018427387903 * 2;;
      - : int = -2

    An example of constructing a Const64 is:

    Const64(Int64.mul (Int64.of_int 4611686018427387903) (Int64.of_int 2)))

  • HexConst64

    Sometimes it’s nice to read things in hex notation as opposed to decimal constants. This is like Const64 but prints its value in hex notation instead of decimal.

  • IPush, IPop

    These two instructions manage values on the stack. push decrements rsp by 8 and sets the given value at updated address in rsp. pop retrieves the value at rsp into the given register and increments rsp by 8.

  • ICall

    A call does two things:

    - Pushes the next _code_ location onto the stack (just like a `push`),
      which becomes the return pointer
    - Performs an unconditional `jmp` to the provided label
  • IShr, ISar, IShl: Bit shifting operations

  • IAnd, IOr, IXor: Bit masking operations

  • near: Perform a near jump rather than the default short jump. The default short jump is too close to be useful during compilation. We have already filled out jump instructions so you don’t need to worry about “short jump out of range” error.

Printing Tagged Value in C

When Boa returns, it saves the return value in register RAX. In C, return value goes into RAX by convention. To print the return value, you need to fill out print function. Since values are tagged in Boa, you need to do bitwise manipulations before using printf.

For example, if the return value is 0x0000000000000002 or 0x0000000000000000, you should print true\n or false\n. If the return value is a 0xFFFFFFF7, you should print -5\n. Otherwise print the value in using this printf format Unknown value: %#010x\n.


What is well_formed_e supposed to do?

well_formed_e is supposed to return a list of static errors from your source program found during compilation. This makes it so you can collect them all in a list without just using failwith at the first error.

What is check supposed to do?

check is meant to failwith the errors gathered in well_formed_e so compilation terminates and you can see what errors your source program had.

What is a valid id name?

You can assume that an id is a valid string of form [a-zA-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*. You will, however, have to check that the string does not match any of the language’s reserved words.

Can you provide more examples of converting to Boa representation?

numbers are the binary representation shifted left by 1 bit with the lower bit set as 1

Value Representation (Binary)
3 [0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111]
5 [0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001011]
12 [0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011001]
42 [0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001010101]

Or in HEX,

Value Representation (HEX)
3 [0x0000000000000007]
5 [0x000000000000000b]
12 [0x0000000000000019]
42 [0x0000000000000055]

Testing Functions

These are the same as they were for Anaconda. Your tests should focus on t tests. In addition, to test command-line argument, you can call t_i. To test command-line argument parsing errors, use terr_i. To test parser, use t_parse.

An old friend is helpful here, too: gdb (or lldb on Mac OSX). You can run gdb output/ in order to get a little more feedback on tests that fail with -10 as their exit code (which usually indicates a segfault). This can sometimes tip you off quite well as to how memory is off, since sometimes you’ll see code trying to jump to a constant that’s in your code, or other information about the specific instruction that fails. You can use set disassembly-flavor intel to have gdb display assembly in the intel syntax we use, and otherwise debug assembly as usual in gdb.