This writeup is heavily inspired by the presentation in PAPL, but adapted for our context.

Calculating Types

Static vs. Dynamic Errors

In Boa we make a particular design decision – mismatches in types, like (+ 1 true) report dynamic or runtime errors. This is the case in many languages, for example in Python programs like 1 + "a" clearly report runtime errors rather than static errors. We can gain some confidence that Python reports it dynamically because of programs like this:

def f(b, x):
  if b: return x + "a"
  else: return x + 2

print(f(False, 1))
print(f(True, 1))

If we run this Python program, it prints 3 before reporting the error that + isn’t supported for int and str.

Other languages, however, would report these kinds of mismatches statically or at compile-time. For example, if we try to define the following method in Java, we get an immediate error at its definition and the method is not defined:

jshell> int tryAddingIncorrectly(boolean b) { if(b) { return 1 + true; } else { return 1 + 2; } }
|  Error:
|  bad operand types for binary operator '+'
|    first type:  int
|    second type: boolean
|  int tryAddingIncorrectly(boolean b) { if(b) { return 1 + true; } else { return 1 + 2; } }
|                                                       ^------^

jshell> tryAddingIncorrectly(false)
|  Error:
|  cannot find symbol
|    symbol:   method tryAddingIncorrectly()
|  tryAddingIncorrectly()

We could have opinions, beliefs, and arguments about which approach is ultimately better, and you can find such arguments on various fora on the Web with a quick search for “static vs. dynamic typing” and related keywords. Such arguments are naturally more productive if we are informed about the inner workings of the two approaches, which represent a number of tradeoffs between the programmer’s experience, available language features, and required engineering . Tagging values with runtime checks is a natural way to implement dynamic errors; here we will explore reporting type mismatches statically. With an understanding of both, we can compare the two approaches with broader perspective.

Static Checking in (Mini) Boa

Consider our language from lecture so far:

expr := <number> | true | false
     |  (<op> <expr>)
     |  (let (<name> <expr>) <expr>)
     |  (if <expr> <expr> <expr>)
     |  (+ <expr> <expr>)
op   := inc | dec

With the abstract syntax represented by:

type op =
  | Inc
  | Dec

type expr =
  | ENum of int
  | EBool of bool
  | EOp of op * expr
  | EId of string
  | ELet of string * expr * expr
  | EPlus of expr * expr
  | EIf of expr * expr * expr

To give static errors for type mismatches, we’d like to somehow issue an error from the compiler for programs like

(+ 1 true)
(if 3 true false)
(inc false)

Idea #1: Errors By Expression Type

A first approach might be to observe that these errors happen when a EBool appears as part of a EPlus or EOp expression, or when a ENum appears in the conditional part of an EIf. So we might try adding some extra cases to the compiler to find these errors:

let rec e_to_is (e : expr) (si : int) (env : tenv) =
  match e with
    | EIf(cond, thn, els) ->
      begin match cond with
        | ENum(n) -> failwith "Condition position must be boolean"
        (* normal compilation of If here *)
    | EPlus(e1, e2) ->
      begin match e1, e2 with
        | EBool(_), _
        | _, EBool(_) -> failwith "bad operand types for binary operator '+'"
        (* normal compilation of Plus here *)
    | EOp(op, e) ->
      begin match e with
        | EBool(b) -> failwith "Operator not defined on booleans"
        (* normal compilation of EOp here *)

This works for the examples above, so we might be tempted to declare victory and stop here. However, if we try more examples using let or nested expressions we quickly see some issues:

(if (+ 1 2) true false)

DO NOW – take a minute to think through what the behavior of the expression above would be given the new match cases.

In this case, the full expression is EIf(EPlus(ENum(1),ENum(2)), EBool(true), EBool(false)), and the EPlus expression would not match the ENum case in the check for cond. This would proceed with the normal compilation of EIf despite the type error!

We might be tempted to augment the match cases to handle this:

    | EIf(cond, thn, els) ->
      begin match cond with
        | ENum(n) -> failwith "Condition position must be boolean"
        | EPlus(_, _) -> failwith "Condition position must be boolean"
        | EOp(_) -> failwith "Condition position must be boolean"
        (* normal compilation of If here *)

An interesting idea that certainly works for this example! But before we take that step, let’s look at another example.

(let (x 1) (if x true false))

DO NOW – take a minute to think through what the behavior of the expression above would be given the new match cases.

In this case, the body of the let expression is EIf(EId("x"), EBool(true), EBool(false)). The EId("x") value would not match any of the cases we just added to the match. We could add this to the match:

    | EId(_) -> failwith "Condition position must be boolean"

However, that’s clearly not a great idea, because this related program should not produce a type error:

(let (x true) (if x 1 3))

Clearly, we need to do something more sophisticated in the case of EId, because an id could have either a number or a boolean in it, and we need to know which type while compiling.

Note that precisely the same issue comes up in EPlus:

(let (x true) (+ x 1))

Note that you may be thinking “can’t we check the tag bits here?” We cannot because we are implementing these checks in the compiler, and have not yet generated any instructions, much less started the OS process that has these tagged values in memory. Whatever we do to check this can only use the information available to the compiler, like instances of the expr type.

Idea #2: Type Information in the Environment

We noticed that the EId case caused issues because we didn’t know the type of an identifier when checking it in the EIf case.

We might next try to augment the environment with type information so that when we encounter an EId, we can look up not just its stack location but its type as well. We might update the environment to

type tenv = (string * int * typ) list

That is, now each name stores both a number and its type. This requires defining the type typ (we use typ because type is a keyword in OCaml). Since our language only has numbers and booleans so far, this type suffices:

type typ = TNum | TBool

Now if we revisit the EIf case’s EId match above, we can do an id lookup:

    | EIf(cond, thn, els) ->
      begin match cond with
        | ENum(n) -> failwith "Condition position must be boolean"
        | EPlus(_, _) -> failwith "Condition position must be boolean"
        | EOp(_) -> failwith "Condition position must be boolean"
        | EId(_) ->
          begin match find env x with
            | None -> failwith "Unbound variable identifier" (* Now we report this in several places... *)
            | Some(TNum) -> failwith "Condition position must be boolean"
            | Some(TBool) -> (* normal compilation of If here *)
        (* normal compilation of If here *)

We would also need to consider how the types get into the environment in the first place! This happens in ELet:

    | ELet(x, v, body) ->
      let vis = e_to_is v si env in
      let bis = e_to_is body (si + 1) ((x,si, (* type must go here! *))::env) in

How to determine the type at this position? Based on our examples, it seems like something along these lines would work:

    | ELet(x, v, body) ->
      let type_of_v = match v with
        | ENum(_) -> TNum
        | EPlus(_, _) -> TNum
        | EBool(_) -> TBool
        (* types for other cases *)
      let vis = e_to_is v si env in
      let bis = e_to_is body (si + 1) ((x,si, type_of_v)::env) in

DO NOW – Think through what you’d need to do for the remaining cases in the match to calculate the type_of_v, like ELet, EIf, and EId.

The above match, and strategy for tracking types, works just fine if we only never use EIf or ELet in the v posiiton of an ELet. An example of such a program is:

(let (x (if true 1 2)) (+ x 3))

In this program, we can’t know what type to give x without examining the EIf in more detail to see that it will evaluate to a number. But the 1 and 2 could also be expressions that could be EIf or ELet expressions that contain other expressions, and so on. Clearly, a simple match on just one or two levels of the tree will not suffice. To handle arbitrary expressions in this position, we need to somehow traverse the expression and calculate its type. Since the expression is a tree, we’ll need to think through a separate recursive helper that calculates an expression’s type. (We could try to do this all in e_to_is, and have it return a list of instructions and a calculated type. In this case I’m choosing to separate these concerns into two separate functions.)

Idea #3: A Type Calculator (with an Environment)

The progression above suggests that we need a function that takes an expression and returns its type. This function can also check for consistency between types and operations as it is calculating them. This is a useful insight, because there are several cases that will come up where we simply cannot compute a type for an expression in a meaningful way (at least not without stepping far outside our current design). We want to write a function that looks like:

type typ_env = (string * typ) list
let rec calc_typ (e : expr) (env : typ_env) : typ =
  match e with
    | ...

DO NOW – what are the cases for ENum and EBool?

For constants, calculating the type is straightforward:

    | ENum(_) -> TNum
    | EBool(_) -> TBool

For EId, we can simply look it up in the environment:

    | EId(x) -> begin match find env x with
        | None -> failwith "Unbound id"
        | Some(typ) -> typ

Then we get to the cases that can potentially fail due to type mismatches. For example, how should inc work?

    | EOp(Inc, e) -> ...

DO NOW – What should this case of calc_typ for EOp look like?

The EOp case needs to do two things: first, make sure that the argument will evaluate to a number (has type TNum), and second, indicate that the increment itself will evaluate to a number if given a number. In code, that means:

    | EOp(Inc, e) -> begin match calc_typ e env with
        | TNum -> TNum
        | TBool -> failwith "inc must take a number as an argument"

Exercise – Figure out the EPlus case on your own.

We explored the EId case above, which relies on names being bound in the environment. The ELet case is responsible for adding them to the environment. It’s useful to consider a few examples. What is the final type of each of these expressions?

(let (x true) x)
(let (x 5) x)
(let (x 6) (let (y 10) (+ x y)))

The first is TBool, the second TNum, and the third TNum. In the first two cases, the result of the let body depends on the environment and isn’t one fixed value – for EOp the return was always TNum (if it type-checked). It’s interesting to see how this plays out in code:

  | ELet(x, bind, body) ->
    let x_typ = calc_typ bind env in
    calc_typ body ((x,x_typ)::env)

First, we rely on a recursive call to calc_typ to get the type of x, and then use that type for checking the body. It’s really interesting that ELet doesn’t contain any code for failwith! A let expression doesn’t have type mismatches on its own – there’s no way here for x to have the “wrong” type; the case for let expressions simply assumes x should have the type of the bind expression and tries that for checking the body.

Consider a few programs with let that have type errors. In which recursive call—the one for bind or the one for body—will each report its error?

(let (x true) (+ x 1))
(let (x (inc 5)) (inc (+ x true)))
(let (x (+ 1 true)) (+ x true))

DO NOW – Setting aside EPlus as an exercise, that leaves us with EIf. Think ahead – what do you think will be required for the EIf case? What are some interesting examples?

In EIf, as with other expressions, we need to consider both type mismatches and the eventual calculated type. The type mismatches follow a pattern we’ve seen – get the type for the cond part and failwith if it is TNum rather than TBool. But what to do with the then and else branches, and what type to return?

  | EIf(cond, thn, els) ->
    let cond_typ = calc_typ cond env in
    begin match cond_typ with
      | TNum -> failwith "If expects a boolean in conditional position"
      | TBool -> (* ... what happens here? ... *)

We ought to type check the then and else branches, because otherwise there could be a type error in one of them that we don’t catch, and we don’t necessarily know which will run at runtime. Consider the Java example at the beginning of these notes – Java’s type checker reports an error for the method because it might be called with true at some point, so it refuses to compile it. This is a crucial distinction between the static and dynamic approaches. The dynamic approach can wait for runtime information and potentially never reach the erroneous code, but the static approach always reports it. So we need to check both. But then we’re still stuck deciding what type to return! But since there are only 2 types, we can just think through all 4 cases:

  | EIf(cond, thn, els) ->
    let cond_typ = calc_typ cond env in
    begin match cond_typ with
      | TNum -> failwith "If expects a boolean in conditional position"
      | TBool ->
        let thn_typ = calc_typ thn env in
        let els_typ = calc_typ els env in
        match thn_typ, els_typ with
          | TNum, TNum ->
          | TNum, TBool ->
          | TBool, TNum ->
          | TBool, TBool ->

DO NOW – Come up with four examples, each of which reaches a single case of this match.

An example that reaches the first case is (if x 4 5), when x is in the environment as TBool. No matter if x is true or false, this conditional will evaluate to a number, so TNum seems like a good calculated type. Similarly, (if x true false) will evaluate to a boolean, so TBool makes sense. But what about (if x 4 true)? Our type language has no way to express that this may evaluate to a number or a boolean. We have two choices:

  • Make this case be an error
  • Augment our language of types to accommodate “either-or” types (commonly called union types)

The former is expedient; the latter is doable with significant engineering effort. For now, we select the former, so if we have un-equal types in an if, an error is reported. This seems to agree with OCaml, but not Java!

❱ jshell
jshell> true ? 7 : false;
$1 ==> 7
❱ ocaml
# if true then 5 else false;;
Error: This expression has type bool but an expression was expected of type

We can explore the consequences of union types (and various flavors of subtyping) in the future, but for now we end with completed code for EIf and some questions:

  | EIf(cond, thn, els) ->
    let cond_typ = calc_typ cond env in
    begin match cond_typ with
      | TNum -> failwith "If expects a boolean in conditional position"
      | TBool ->
        let thn_typ = calc_typ thn env in
        let els_typ = calc_typ els env in
        match thn_typ, els_typ with
          | TNum, TNum -> TNum
          | TBool, TBool -> TBool
          | TBool, TNum -> failwith "If branches must agree on type"
          | TNum, TBool -> failwith "If branches must agree on type"

Exercises and Questions

  • Simplify the match on thn_typ and els_typ using = instead of match
  • Experiment with the Java program using a ternary operator above – say we wanted to store the result in a variable, what would its type have to be?
  • In PA2, there’s a variable called input that holds a command-line argument. What challenges would implementing input in the type checker introduce?
  • How would you use calc_typ in the overall infrastructure of the compiler?